Category Archives: introspection

Trayvon Martin is your problem. And mine.

trayvon martin

[image via

I’ve spent the last several days processing the Trayvon Martin case. I’ve read some, I’ve discussed some, but publicly I’ve mostly remained silent for a number of reasons. Save for a brief tweet Sunday morning–which offered just enough information for me to acknowledge it, but really not so much at all.

Then I began quietly watching Twitter, Facebook, blog post threads. Who was talking. Who was retweeting. Who was angry. Who was speaking up. And for the most part, save for my die-hard liberal political friends and celebrities of the Always Willing To Put Their Asses On the Line nature, it was Black people. Again.

Not all. But enough that the disproportion was evident in my feed.

When I posted a link to this amazing article  on Trayvon Martin, Racism and the NRA by Robin D.G. Kelley which a friend sent me, I can see the number of retweets (not many) versus the number of clicks (a holy hell of a lot).

We White people–I think we are scared to talk.

So I’m trying. Continue reading