Category Archives: introspection

“You serve best by doing the things you love most”

Every so often the blog world–or perhaps the world in general–seems to hit this period of group existential angst. I see it in posts about blogging or quitting blogging or changing the way we blog. Maybe we just start to reassess who we are or what we can do in this world. What our relationship is to our children, and how that fits in with a love for writing or a passion for work.

I could chalk it up to September and getting back to business; to the election season; to aliens messing with our brains for sport. Who knows. But it’s there, isn’t it? Am I the only one feeling it?

This weekend so much of it was clarified for me,  because had the privilege of experiencing just a small portion of Mashable’s Social Good Global Summit thanks to the wonderful people at Shot@Life. You know–the ones you helped to save 10,000 children.

social good summit

At the Social Good Summit with compassionate heavy-hitters Julie Marsh, Pete Cashmore, Isabel Kallman Continue reading