Category Archives: introspection

Mothers: Do it all! Have it all! Wheee! Let’s ride unicorns too!

It’s been a tough week emotionally. Aside from the horrible tragedy of the past few days, and the entirely disheartening reactions around the web that I’ve had to remove myself from to keep from becoming distraught, my schedule has been a bit…challenging. I’m juggling a tough work schedule, a two-way commute with Sage to summer camp, and kids and Nate’s night shifts (meaning single mom duty morning and night, a several days a week). Dinner needs to be made, baths given, dishes cleaned, the next Oz book read and cuddle time had. By 9, I’m ready to collapse, without a single ounce of energy left in me.

As far as problems go in the world it’s hardly a major one, but the fact is, I’m tired.

Yay for mothers who claim they “do it all.” But I’m really not one of them. I like sleep. And spending more than 4 seconds a day with my kids that doesn’t involve me cajoling them to give me a foot rub for a dollar. Weird, huh?

In fact, since the working mom article heard around the world, closely followed by the announcement of Melissa Mayer’s new position at Yahoo, undertaken while pregnant, I’m not entirely surprised that this discussion has started again. I am somewhat more surprised that it’s been followed by an extraordinary number of not-so related pitches I’m receiving that insist, but NO, you CAN have it all! If only you buy this widget or download this app or interview our expert. Seriously.

This week I was offered an interview with a privileged, upper-class celebrity type entrepreneur with the following in the press release: Continue reading