Category Archives: introspection

The wisdom of amazing women

barbara walters at matrix awards
barbara walters at the matrix awards

One of the awesome things about getting older, is realizing you don’t know everything. I know that to you young’uns who might have stumbled here accidentally via a wayward search for “Kei$ha pics” or “How to make a fortune going to work at 11AM and surfing Facebook all day” that this might sees counter-intuitive.

Isn’t the benefit of getting older, knowing everything?

Actually, no.

The benefits do have something to do with drinking better beer and being able to roll your eyes at any American Apparel ad, thinking pfft, neon tanks/legwarmers/MC Hammer pants. I did that the first time around when it was actually cool.

(Then, wondering whether those girls’ mothers know that they’re posing that way on that bed with that guy. But I don’t know if that’s a benefit as much as a burden.)

I have always believed that once you grow a bit and admit that there’s more to be learned, things change in your life. Things change wildly. It’s that old adage about how when the student is ready the teacher will come. Continue reading