Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dropping one ball in the juggle

Okay so I have an excuse for getting Sage’s pick up time at preschool wrong yesterday. I have an excuse for leaving her sitting there with the teacher (even though she swore it was okay) on the second day of class while the other kids came and left (she did swear it was okay) and sat and sat (she said it was okay, what!) and read books and really, generally was fine.

Yesterday I launched a new website. Well, we launched a new website, the we being the Cool Mom Picks team plus the genius Beth Blecherman of TechMamas.  It’s called Cool Mom Tech. And I think it’s going to be awesome.

So yeah, I was a little distracted yesterday. Enough to leave my 3 year-old sitting alone with the teacher (even though she swore it was okay) for an hour until my sitter came.

I hope you like the site. It was built with a lot of love, a lot of hard work, and, as with all endeavors, a bit of mommy guilt.