Category Archives: Uncategorized

The way to a writer’s head is through her face

Everyone at work makes fun of me for my “writing faces.” (Oh, the joy of an office with a huge glass sliding door.)

I can’t help it. When I write, I act out the words. I feel the dialogue. I internalize the stories and out it comes on my face. Whether I’m writing a blog post about my deepest darkest thoughts, dry legal disclaimers, or a headline that I’ve been told must somehow incorporate the words “absorbent,” “happy” and “life-changing.”

Here’s what you would see should you pass my office at any given moment on the way to the coffee machine.

Warning: These are actual unretouched faces. Not necessarily safe for work, pregnant women or small children who frighten easily.

That copy sucks.

That copy is awesome.

I cannot possibly think of one more synonym for “fresh.”

Wait! That could totally…nope. Nope, that’s bad. That’s not even English.

 What’s funnier? Penguins or Guinea Pigs?

Oh shoot. I forgot about ferrets. Ferrets are always funny.

How much does blogging pay again?
Wait a minute…

Oh, hey. That works.