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A typical start to Father’s Day

This morning, the four of us cuddled up together in a big chair and I asked the girls what made them glad that Daddy was their daddy.

Halfway through the list I thought, I’m going to put this all into a card for Nate. What a cool idea! So I grabbed a pen. At which point Nate started rolling his eyes and mumbling something about how this was just for my blog blah blah blah whine whine way to ruin a moment.

Well now it is. So there.

“The reasons we’re glad Daddy is our daddy according to Thalia and Sage, June 20, 2010”

-He cuddles with us

-He cooks food so I can eat it. 

-He lets us cook cookies and eggs with me. 

-He’s funny.

-He’s funny sometimes. 

-I can ride my bike with him.

-He tickles me too much.

-[sage whining]

-He makes me laugh. 

-He is the best Daddy in the whole world. 

At this point I had to disagree. I said that he is the second best Daddy in the whole world.

“After who?” Nate asked. I searched for a good answer.

“After the guy who’s their real daddy?” Nate suggested, always beating me to the punchline.

I agreed quickly.

And that’s how Father’s Day rolls around here.