Category Archives: Uncategorized

34 and out of the closet

Wednesday was Nate’s 34th birthday, a day I have waited for now close to 8 years. Because that’s the age I was when we first met. Back when he first started referring to me as old.

All these years I waited for his own 34th, so I could prove that see? 34 isn’t old at all!

And when I did, his response was so farking Nate:

Yes it is. I’m old.  And so are you. Grandma.


In my jet lagged haze, I managed to hand him his gift somehow–an iPod engraved with the line, Don’t lose this one. Enough said.

But I thought a nicer gift would be to introduce you to his blog.

Yes, Nate has a blog. And you will probably like it. If you like food and/or funny things. If not, eh. You won’t like it.

Of course I introduce it at the risk of making you realize that I’m not even close to the funny one in the family; something Nate is happy to remind me nearly daily.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present The Leftover Foodie.

Don’t miss the post about the incredible meal he made me for his culinary school final project, featuring a cameo by yours truly making, uh…well, not a culinary school meal. Also, he’s got fabulous pictures of Spain and especially the food market, from our trip this past fall. (Thanks Voyage.TV! Loved getting the tax bill this month!) And because what doting dad can resist writing a food blog that doesn’t include his children, behold his attempt to whore our children out to Steve Jobs for an iPad.

You only think I’m joking.

Now, Nate still has no idea how to do an about page or a blogroll and I don’t know if he’s ever linked to anything once. But if you have any interest in leaving a comment there anyway, despite his scowls and eye-rolling and self-deprecating BS, I think you just might make his week.