Category Archives: Uncategorized

While I’ve been busy not posting here this week…

1. Working like a dog. A dog that works 12 hour days. Are there still dogs like that? I have no idea. Our dog does not work 12 hours a day. Our dog sleeps 12 hours a day, not including the nights. Sounds like a pretty good work schedule to me. Of course, she does have to put up with things like this from time to time so I suppose it’s only fair

2.  Trying to get my head around the feminine hygiene product category. Yes friends, after two decades in advertising making ads for cars and liquor and fashion and soft drinks, I am, for the first time, looking at strategic briefs with the word “panty” in them.

Oh wait, I did work on Cabbage Patch Kids for four seconds in my very first job. But…no. No, I don’t think there was anything about panties there. Sorry.

3. Cutting my hair 4 inches. I was getting tired of wrestling it out from under my handbag shoulder strap every day.

 The funny thing is, I got home, took one look at Thalia, and realized that besides the bangs, we now pretty much have the same hair cut. She hugged me so hard, I’m letting her think I did it on purpose.

4. Graciously thanking friends who saw my photo in the New York Post This Weekend, as one of 8 New Yorkers to follow on Twitter. Right under Lady Gaga and Ruth Reichl, hello! So basically, I now have lots of new followers to disappoint: Uh, what is all this mommy stuff she’s talking about? I just came here for the Jesus joke.

5. Wondering why in the world a humorist has to defend her choice to other women to write funny stories instead of political ones. 1973 called, it wants its misguided angry feminists back.

6. Putting together the Cool Mom Picks annual Mother’s Day Gift Guide. Whoo! More than 50 incredible finds for all kinds of mamas at all kinds of prices. (The crunchy mama category kind of makes me laugh every time.) I really hope you’ll click over and support some of the small businesses we’re featuring and maybe even find something for your own wish list.

And if you want to help out more? Well, you could help support us bloggers and all those small businesses too by posting the purdy button on your own blog or website. We’ll enter you to win $300 worth of goodies from our generous sponsors Method Laundry and Heart and Stone Jewelry. (Details on the guide.)

What we will not do is ask you to write seven (7) posts about it, facebook and twitter it, post some widgets, host a contest on your blog, and link to other blogs every day for five days all for a chance to win…oh wait, nothing.

No, that was just a pitch I found in my inbox this week.

7. Enjoying moments like this one:

God bless spring.