Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy FTC Disclosure Day!

Today is officially Blog Disclosure Day – the day the much yapped-about, freaked-out-about, and completely misunderstood FTC endorsement guidelines go into effect. In fact if you want to be a stickler, it’s actually Advertiser Endorsement Disclosure Day but eh. It’s more fun to beat up on bloggers who aren’t even real journalists or anything.

In its honor I would like to propose a really simple system for 100% disclosure and FTC compliance. Not that some of the existing ones aren’t smart – I just think they don’t allow bloggers to tell the whole story.

Just use the appropriate hashtag after any of your sponsored posts or tweets or Facebook status updates or passing comments to strangers on the F train. It will just make things easier for all of us.

I wouldn’t ordinarily write about this kind of product, but hey, I was out of it and it saved me a trip to the store.
Use: #human

My brother’s mother-in-law’s friend’s kid owns the company. But I really do like it. Mostly.
Use: #favor

I am a shareholder of this company. And today my 20,000 shares are worth approximately 14 cents. Total.
Use: #havemercy

I am hoping that if I host this giveaway for this company now, they’ll invite me on a free trip to their factory in Cleveland.
Use: #whoring

I am hoping that if I host this giveaway for this company now, they’ll buy an ad on my blog.
Use: #dreaming

 I don’t actually like the product I’m talking about but twitter parties are just so fun. Besides, I don’t have any real life party invitations. So, you know…here I am. Talking about this stuff. Whoo! 
Use: #lonely

I just copied a press release in its entirety and passed it off as a review. What, you think I really took the time to figure out how to make a ® on my computer?
Use: #dipshit

I actually really do love toilet bowl cleaners! Talking about them, writing about them, reviewing them, collecting them -I swear, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night just to sneak into the bathroom and fondle my assortment. No really, ask me anything about toilet bowl cleaners. Seriously! Anything! We can like totally start a ning group about them or something.

Use: #prozac

What am I missing?