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Bloggers – We’re Givers

The holidays are here, more or less, whether I’m ready or not. It’s a little challenging for us this year with tighter budgets than ever. Or to be brutally honest, it feels nothing short of awful not to be able to give my kids the things they’re asking for, especially now that they’re old enough to ask for them.

(Not including the trip to Friendly’s which Thalia somehow thinks is like a trip to Disney after hearing that damn commercial all the time. Gah.)

One thing I’ve found that makes me feel better about what I can’t do is remembering what I can do. There’s a lot.

And there are so many bloggers just all wrapped up in the spirit of giving and tied with a big foofy red bow while cheesy holiday music seems to swirl around them and cartoon angels dance in their footsteps, that it seemed like a good opportunity to mention a few of their efforts.

***First of all, I’m so excited that we put together an XBox 360 giveaway at Cool Mom Picks today in which you can not only win one for yourself, you can win one for your favorite local children’s charity. I never write up the Cool Mom Picks giveaways here, but I love this one so much.  Details are on the post and a big whoo-hoo to the Microsoft team at Edelman for helping rally around this idea. You’ve got until Saturday night to enter.

***Debbie Bookstabber and Candace Lindemann of Mamanista, yesterday announced the launch of Bloganthropy which is so brilliant, I’m just honored to know them. They’re basically combining all the corporate giving resources out there with the benevolence of bloggers and the power of social media. (You are powerful! Yes you are!) But this is no grassroots thingie, Bloganthropy is a bona fide 501c3 non-profit to help you make your own fundraisers and chariable efforts more legit and more lucrative. They also need volunteers. Hint. Follow them on twitter at Bloganthropy. I did.

***Speaking of which: Maddie would have turned two yesterday. How amazing that her memory is still living on through so many beautiful people and their generosity.

***If you haven’t already, check out Her Bad Mother’s Give Good Blog campaign which outlines some clear simple ways to include charities in your posts or giveaways. (Hey, like Cool Mom Picks just did!) Similarly, another blogger named Alyssa has started a Blog For a Cause effort in which bloggers are asked to earmark some of their kid-friendly swag this holiday for local Ronald McDonald houses.


We are a cool bunch. As if you needed more evidence.

If you know of any more great giving efforts from bloggers, please feel free to list them in comments.