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Some things I will miss about New York and one I won’t

Barcelona is so close I can taste the chocolate dipped churros. And other things. That I may be forced to eat.

(And suddenly I’m panicking that I’m going to be in the kinds of restaurants where I’ll have have to smile while eating the rabbit intestines dipped in sea urchin. Worse – I may find out I like it, and then what will I have to complain about in life?)

Here are a few things I will miss about New York while I’m gone:

Strange and arbitrary items lying in the street. Sometimes in sets.
Guy traveling on the 2 train at 11 pm with his R2D2. He swears he just finished a taping of Whitest Kids You Know but I’m not buying it. I’m thinking fetish.

Cute kids.

But then, I won’t miss This f*cking thing which Nate insisted on getting for the cats, and sounds like a hobo peeing in our living room all night.

Pssst…while I’m gone, keep the NOBAD links coming. I love the growing list of bloggers who inspire you. Maybe I might even have time to read them all one day.

And if you want to follow my trip on twitter? I’m thinking a hashtag like #WHOOSPAIN! will work. Mostly it will be me freaking out about the food.

You only think I’m kidding. I have issues.