Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wanted: People to laugh at the funny parts.

Oh my gosh, what with the first day of school and the begging for El Bulli dinner reservations that the Queen of England couldn’t get, get and the cleaning up of cat poop six hundred times a day, I almost compleeeetely forgot to beg you to come to a show.

Yes, a show. You like shows don’t you? Of course you do!

This one is called Expressing Motherhood and there are going to be all kinds of funny and thoughtful and generally awesome pieces read by talented writers who just so happen to be moms too. One of them is Motherhood Uncensored. And one of them is me.

It’s on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night in NY at the Tada theater on 28 Street and all sorts of other funny bloggers and other writerly types will be there, like Yvonne and Devra and Isabel and Doug and Laurie. So you won’t even have to sit alone if you have no one to go with. Or you can sit with my mom on Friday night. Or you can sit with Nate Saturday if he doesn’t blow it off which he probably will. Or if you do sit alone I won’t tell anyone. Or if I tell anyone I’ll make it funny.

Oh shoot, that reminds me, I have no babysitter Friday night. So I just may be up on stage reading while my children run around singing Fish Heads. We’ll call it performance art.