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Once in a while, is it okay to say “told ya so?”

Five months ago I addressed group of marketers and package good manufacturers at a conference and warned them that high fructose corn syrup was going to be their next big consumer issue. Panic ensued. Blog discussion was intense. Commenters on my posts told me I was an idiot. More or less.

This morning’s AdAge headline: Marketers Answer Call to Eliminate High-Fructose Corn Syrup.

Eh, it only took five months for the MSM to jump on the bandwagon, but considering the Today Show is still doing their Hey, there’s this newfangled thing called a mommy blogger! segments, I’d say five months is pretty darn good.

The article describes that companies like Pepsi, Starbucks and Kraft are doing a bang-up job offering alternatives to respond to consumer demand (isn’t that great!) and in fact, next week Wheat Thins is relaunching its crackers with double the whole grains and none of the HFCS. Which means we can start buying them again.

I simply love how blogging can give us a collective voice that can lead to change regarding issues we care about. (Total aside: Have you seen that Loralee was invited to the White House yesterday to talk about Health Care? So so fabulous.)

But then…

The article goes on to say that the Corn Refinery Association, in addition to their most awesome, not condescending at all Sweet Surprise ad campaign, “has also orchestrated a massive public-relations campaign through PR agency Weber Shandwick…The team is reaching out to mommy bloggers to correct the impression that refined sugar is healthier than HFCS.”

I’ll be interested in following how that goes.

Don’t watch the Sweet Surprise ad. Just watch this parody instead from King Corn (Nate’s favorite movie lately). It’s kind of the same thing. Although I want to punch the actors in the face a little less than in the original.