Category Archives: Uncategorized

So long, farewell, don’t let the door hit you on the way out you little plastic tools of evil

Saturday night I decided it was time. I told Sage that it was the right moment to give her binkies up for some babies who need them. She wasn’t biting.

That is, until I said that we could send them to Margot.

Margot, whom Sage adored when she came to visit last month. Margot, who “sleeps in my crib sometimes.” Margot, who needs those binkies right now this very minute!

(Ignore the fact that Margot has never actually taken a binky. Eh, details.)

And so as we did with Thalia two years ago, we put those well-used pacifiers in an envelope to “mail them to Atlanta.” I asked Sage what she wanted to say to Margot and I would write it on the envelope for her.

Thank you!
You’re welcome!

I guess I was feeling daring because we decided to ditch the bottles the very same night. And considering we’ve now made it a full 48 hours including last night’s extended PukeFest 09 double feature, I think I can safely say we’re done. No bottles, no binkies, no frantic late-night searches for either.

Am I supposed to be sentimental about this? Because I’m not. Not even one bit.