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God, I’m freaking old

I graduated high school on this date in 1986. I wrote a rendition of Forever Young called Forever Friends, changing the lyrics can you imagine when this race is won to something like can you imagine when high school’s done. I also changed the chorus of Addicted to Love, to Might as well face it I hate Mr. Whartenbee.

That’s when I knew I was destined to be a professional writer.

Also, I looked like this:

Me and the BFF, hopelessly Breakfast Club. Note the turquoise shoes and shiny, happy braces.

I just wanted to put both of those factoids out there for every 17 year-old who is convinced that she is awesome and life will never get better than this.

Also, if you think your hair is cool now? It’s not. It sucks.

So what were you doing in 86? And please don’t say “being born.”