Category Archives: Uncategorized

A heartbreaking post of staggering randomness

There are all these things floating around my brain that don’t quite fit into 140 characters so I figured I’d get them all down here:

1. If you’re not subscribing to Cool Mom Picks, this would be a dandy time. We’re offering a ridiculous number of exclusive discounts and other goodies just for subscribers lately. Plus you could win $200 worth of cool stuff. Also? Got a shiny new Cool Mom Picks fan page on Facebook which is where I’m spending my time instead of saying hi to ex-boyfriends.

2. Fantastic interview on marketers and bloggers in AdAge today with the always awesome Danielle Wiley. (And I’m not just saying that because she mentioned me. Although I will buy her an extra free drink at BlogHer.)

3. I told Thalia I was sore from exercise (first in three years – whoo! But that’s another post) and she said she was too. When I asked her which muscles were hurting, she answered, “Both of them.”

4. Tickets from the Expressing Motherhood show that I’m in Sept 24-26 are now on sale! If you’re going to be in NYC, please come? Pretty please? I will be your best friend, at least for an hour. Maybe more.

5. Thalia watched Wall-E the other night for the first time and the next morning she drew Wall-E and Eva from memory. I am looking forward to being the proud mother of a Pixar animator.

6. More important than any of the other stuff here, Sheri (who is a real life family friend outside the blogworld so I promise she’s not like that psychopath who made up the story about her fake sick daughter) has a dear friend whose three year-old was recently diagnosed with acute leukemia. I can hardly even type those words without stifling a sob. Check out Loving Taylor and do whatever you’re inspired to do. Just leaving a comment of support will mean a lot.

7. Afterwards you might need a laugh. In which case, read this.

We’ll resume our irregularly scheduled long-winded but more singularly minded posting after the break.