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Hair! Everywhere! Bah!

So I’m kind of over the animals.

When Nate insisted on rescuing two cats. two cats (you know, for kids) on top of the dog on top of the two children, it was Christmas. I wasn’t thinking about summer.

How a cat can seemingly shed more than six times its weight in hair a day I do not know, but ours miraculously achieve it daily. I can only dream that it is such an impressively freakish enough skill that some crazy animal person will show up with big bags of money and take those kitties off our hands, love them and hug them and build shrines to them out of their own fur. Maybe even the crazy animal person will be a crazy animal scientist who wants to conduct humane (humane!) science experiments on them, discover a way to reverse the trait, and create breeds of non-shedding cats for generations to come.

And by generations I mean working moms who are home alone in small apartments six nights a week with the two shedding cats (one with chronic diarrhea – did I mention that?), a dog who grows surlier and more incontinent by the day, two young children, and new pee stains that miraculously appear on various floor parts each day.

Do I love my animals? Well, I love Nate. And I love the girls. Who in turn love the animals.

Yeah, I’m kind of over the animals.