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Blogging – your very own digital ginkgo biloba

Sometimes there are just moments I want to remember, even though I don’t have a whole post’s worth to say about them.

Thalia at about two years old, looking at a beer and calling it “Daddy Juice.”

The look of absolute joy on Thalia’s face the first time she saw Pinnochio reunite with Geppetto.

Sage’s face when she eats lemons. And yes, she eats lemons.

Sage taunting Thalia by calling her “Thali-yuck,” as I realize that we didn’t create a nickname-proof name after all.

The kids eating chapstick.

Thalia receiving a box as a gift, and geniuinely exclaiming, “Oh, thank you!” and fondling it and holding it to her cheek – before she realized there was actually something inside the box.

Watching Sage stick her fingers in a dead fish’s eyeball.

Tricking Thalia into eating fried calamari by calling it Chinese french fries. (It worked.)

Tricking Thalia into eating turkey meatballs by calling them Kidballs. (It didn’t work.)

Sage putting on my sunglasses and saying, “I’m Bob Dylan!”

The endless (endless!) renditions of Little Rabbit Foo Foo.

(One day the video might actually work. Sigh.)

Sometimes you just have to write them down and hit publish. Because you think you’ll remember, but you won’t. You really won’t. And that would be a shame.