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School’s Out For Summer

Yesterday was Thalia’s last day of her first year of school. It seems like moments ago that she put on her little gray jumper and grabbed her big girl backpack and skipped out the door–and only in part because insisted on putting on the very same, now kind of too small, jumper.

I realize there are quite a few things she’s accomplished this year, like the ability to dress herself and write her name and achieve just the perfect whine when I won’t let her have Lucky Charms. But what I really like is that she’s learned:

-All the words to Mama Mia.

-When you get stung by a jellyfish, someone has to pee on you.

-The endless joys of mean girls.

-“Leo pooped chocolate.”

And just yesterday, she whispered to me that babies come out of a mommy’s butt.

I’d say preschool was 5 figures well spent.

And yeah, I joke only because if I stopped long enough to think how proud of her I am right now, I’d be bawling the rest of the weekend and stuffing my face with Reeses cups.