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Humidity, hot dogs, charity, and enough buttercream frosting to kill a diabetic horse.

The rain mercifully held off yesterday but the humidity loomed, creating the single worst hair day of the year. And so what does one do on the single worst hair day of the year? Photograph everyone you know, of course.

Bloggers: They go to parties, just like real people!
Isabel and Betsy: Avowed Hebrew National fans. Because if you’re going to eat a hot dog, it might as well be one that doesn’t have like beaks and who knows whatever else in it.

Dana, Betsy, Beth, Thalia and whatshername in the dirty jeans jacket

Katja, Nancy, Barbara, Paula, Danielle, Amy

Elisa, Carole and Amy (again. She photographs well, what can I say.)

Kids never have bad hair days. Damn kids.

The thing is, when I was asked to do host this Hebrew National Picnic with a Purpose I looked at it as a cool opportunity to invite friends and their families to hang out and eat some free dogs. I didn’t realize how moved I’d be by the kids of Abbott House who we were there to support.

Talking about do-gooding type stuff is never the same as actually doing it. And meeting the people you’re supporting is a whole lot of different from just sending in a check.

These were some cool kids. And they did get over being mad at us that we didn’t bring any 16 year-old girls to the picnic, but I had to distract them with the make-your-own cupcakes.


I also had to promise to make them famous on the internet.

And then there was the moment, towards the end of the day, that they sheepishly approached and asked about the stack of games and CDs and sports equipment and DVDs that everyone brought to help put a little more rec into their rec room.

“Are those prizes?” One of the kids asked, pointing towards the pile. “Do we have to win them?”

“Nope,” I said. “They’re for you guys.”

“They are? For what? Why?”

“Everyone here brought them for you guys to have back at the house.”

“All these rap CDs?”

“All of them. Yeah.”

“Even the baseball gloves?”

“Even the baseball gloves.”

“Even the skateboard?”

“Even the skateboard.”


By the end of , they didn’t even think the paints and markers were just “for like, six year olds.” In fact, they were pretty psyched they got to take them home too.

Thanks so much to Emily for putting this all together and rocking the world with her orzo salad, Andy the master griller, and to everyone who came: Barbara, Isabel, Brian, Doug and his flat tire, Amy, Betsy, Elisa, Carole, Katja, Maggie, Beth, Andi, Lori, Paula, all the spouses, all the kids, and the dozens of other guests who (shocking!) don’t even have blogs. Who am I forgetting?

Also if you have a recap, or pictures, let me know so I can link it up. Like so:

Selfish Mom
Magpie Musing
Gray Matter Matters
Looky, Daddy!
Hebrew National Picnics With a Purpose Flickr Page
Picnics with a Purpose circle on The Motherhood