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Secret preteen crush confessions. No, not Chachi.

Tonight, the kids begged me to stay up an extra few minutes to watch a little of Happy Days. Why a 3 and 5 year-old might be interested, I have no idea. Now maybe it has something to do with me singing the theme song to them as babies in the middle of the night when I couldn’t think of anything else besides Eye of the Tiger.

Or maybe it’s somehow genetic. I was a Happy Days addict as a kid. It made every Tuesday a happy day.

(Ha! See how I just did that?)

Friday was also special by the way, thanks to my weekly sleepovers with Tamar, the company of her excellent comic book collection, a well-stocked junk food drawer, and the musical stylings of Donny and Marie. But Tuesday? Most special school night hands down.

So I cuddled up with Thalia and Sage, watching the opening credits roll for the first time in forever, and ready for a little nostalgic Fonzie and Richie action. The first thing that struck me: the theme song was off. Why was it off? Did The Hub reedit the theme song? Lord no–it turned out to be the final season of Happy Days; the dreaded Ted McGinley Season. This was a season so far beyond jumping the shark that I had tuned out myself by then. Even 15 year-olds have their limits.

But the next thing that triggered a visceral reaction that totally surprised me, was Anson Williams popping onto the screen.

Potsie made my heart race.

I was not your average pre-teen hormonal gal in the 70s. I mean sure I liked Chachi–it was the law in 1978. But deep down, really deep down, I harbored deeper affections for Potsie Weber. He was cute, he was witty, and he was totally non-threatening in those little v-neck sweater vests. Plus, as I recall, he could sing. Like, acoustic guitar, serenade a gal, melt-your-heart sing. Even if the songs were heinous. Pump Your Blood anyone? Glee’s got nothing on this scene.

While I was far too insecure to confess my secret love then, I feel fairly justified in doing it now. Especially with more kindred spirits in my Twitter stream when I first announced it, than I would have imagined.

image: Obey Giant

Who was your secret pre-teen crush? I promise not to tell anyone.