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Five Easy Pieces, snotty Brooklyn coffee shop style

Me: Can I get a croissant with brie?

Barrista With an Attitude: Um, I don’t know if we can do that.

Me: Well you have croissants. And you have brie, right?

BWA: Yes.

Me: So is that okay then?

BWA: Well what I have to do is order a brie on a baguette, then also charge you for a croissant.

Me: That’s ridiculous. I just want brie on a croissant. You can’t like charge me for a croissant and add brie? Or charge me for the baguette and just add the 50 cent difference for the croissant?

BWA: No. You have to order both.

Me: Well that’s silly. I’ll just get the baguette.

BWA: Or wait – here’s an idea! Order both, and then you can take the brie off the baguette, put it on the croissant, and then bring home the baguette for later.

Me: I think God is telling me to ease up on the carbs.

BWA: Huh?

Me: Nothing.