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Being a New York mom has its benefits

There are some things kind of messed up about living in New York. Like we have to walk 15 minutes to a garage to get our car and we pretend that Central Park is the beach.

But then, if you do live here, look at all the awesome things you can do. With me.

We can have a hot dog together!

Saturday May 16 from 12-3 I’m so honored to be hosting a Hebrew National Picnic with a Purpose with Emily McKhann of The Motherhood at Five-Islands Park in New Rochelle. Free food, fun stuff for kids to do, make-your-own cupcakes, and a really fun give-back project to help support the fine people of Abbott House who provide support to abandoned and abused kids in need of foster care, adoption, and plenty of love and kindness.

You and the fam are cordially invited to join me and make weiner jokes to your heart’s content. And yes, we’ll have veggie dogs for those of you who insist on eating such things. Email liz[at] and I’ll hook you up with an invite.

Also? Its right on the water. The real water, not the fountain in Central Park.

You can laugh at my flop sweat!

I’m really excited to be contributing to the upcoming anthology, C://Mom Run: Sidesplitting Essays from the World’s Most Harried Blogging Moms (and I’m told that I don’t know what that whole c:// business means because I have a Mac. So PC users, feel free to fill me in). The truth is, I am so harried, I not only forgot to mention it here, I forgot to tell you that I’m going to be reading an essay at a benefit performance at The Comic Strip this coming Thursday from 6-8. Eep!

I am serious small beans in this whole thing. Other participants include Beth Feldman of Role Mommy who’s also the evil genius behind the book, Jen Singer of Momma Said and Good Housekeeping, Tracy Beckerman of Lost in Suburbia, and Abby Peccoriello who’s some big muckety-muck editor and grand overseer of all she surveys at Parents Connect.

Details are at Role Mommy and a portion of the proeeds supports women battling breast cancer through the Gal to Gal Foundation.

You can laugh at my flop sweat again!

I just got word that my Sanctimommy essay has gotten the thumbs-up to be included in the first New York City tour of the ongoing tour, Expressing Motherhood. Think Vagina Monologues, only for moms. My friend and blogging hero Rebecca Woolf was a part of the successful LA run, and I can’t even believe I’m going to be following in those very big footsteps.

It’s a three-night run in a real live actual NYC theater starting September 24 and I now have four months to be nervous about it.

That’s okay, it’s not like they’re making me memorize it.

Oh wait – yes they are.