Category Archives: Uncategorized

This is how you get a blogger to write about your brand

Hi Mom-101, we’d like to send you some flowers.

You would? Why? What’s the catch? What do you want from me? Are you following me? Are you stalking me? You’re stalking me aren’t you. Should I be calling the FBI?

We’re just recognizing different moms for Mother’s Day and we wanted to recognize you.

Really? You’re not going to like spam me for the rest of eternity asking for coverage on my blog right?

Nope. Just sending you flowers. And we’ll write about you on our own blog.

Wow, that’s kind of nice. I like that blog.

Our pleasure. You don’t even have to write about it if you don’t want.

Don’t tell me what to do, you marketer! This is my blog! I will write about you if I damn well please!

Eh, reverse psychology. Gets me every time.

Seriously, thanks 1-800-FLOWERS for sending me these beautiful roses. No doubt they will end up spilled all over the floor some time real soon with our cats eating the baby’s breath. And Thalia wants to thank you for the big pretty bow for her outhouse. That may have been the best part of all.

And Julie? Julie Mulligan? Seriously, you are a floral designing genius. I am totally stealing that flower gift idea for new moms.

One more way to get me to write about your brand – invite me down to DC for the weekend with The Brodester, let me hang out with a bunch of other bloggers I’m excited to meet (hi Linda!) and ply me with chocolate. Stay tuned.

By the way, if you are looking for Mother’s Day gift ideas–besides flowers–the Cool Mom Picks Mother’s Day Gift Guide is out. Whoo! We’ve got discount codes galore and more recession-friendly picks than ever.