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Dara Torres, an Olympian after my own heart

From left to right: Alice Bradley, Maggie Mason, Kim, Me not so subtly hiding my bare flabby triceps, Dara Torres, Jill, Tracey Gaughran-Perez, Amy Storch, gorgeous bebe Ezra, Dory Devlin . Also Mr. Fancy Photographer Guy: Fish-eye lenses may be awesome for 1980’s Tom Petty videos but they are not kind to the otherwise trim subjects on either ends of the photo.

It isn’t often I am invited to sit down with a real live uber Olympic swimmer and have the opportunity to interview her, all courtesy of the very kind folks at HP and their whole HP Moms for Simplicity dealio. (And no they didn’t pay me to say I love their printers and thank them kindly for making Mac-compatible doodads and would really like a Vivian Tam laptop to give away on Cool Mom Picks but thought I’d just throw it in there anyway.)

Only problem is, what do I ask a real live uber Olympic Swimmer, especially she just happens to be Dara Torres and I literally cannot peel my eyes from her abs.

-So um…water huh. You like water, right?
-Is it true that you can slice prime rib with those abs?
-Hey, remember that time you won all those medals? That was cool, right?
-Kind of funny that you don’t like fish and you’re a swimmer, right?
-So, we’re supposed to talk about how technology simplifies our lives. You go first.
-You train how many hours a day? Wow…wouldn’t you rather be playing Wii or something? That’s what I’d be doing.

I was definitely out of my league.

But as it turns out, there is one subject that unites all women, both uber Olympian and mere mortal –

Rock of Love.

Yeah, it might have gone a little better had I been miked. But still.

(And if the video is not working, here’s what you missed: Love the trainwrecks, hope our daughters don’t grow up like this, rooting for Taya, Farrah needs help.)

See? Olympians are just like us! Only…not.

Meanwhile…OMG TAYA.

Update: If you want to check out the HP Moms for Simplicity site it’s up and running. (And hey, I’m there too!) You can also enter to win a $5,000 tech makeover and a trip to watch Dara compete which is totally mindblowing.