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Easter v Passover Smackdown 2009

Easter eggs on acid, courtesy Mahar Dry Goods

Once again, Peaster has come and gone in my mother’s household, only this time with less political outrage than years past and more forcing my aunt and uncle to sit through “Come on Thalia, sing When I’m 64 for everyone!” Personally I prefer it this way.

On the Passover side, we had children eating matzoh, children licking matzoh, children asking for more matzoh, children fighting over who got more butter on her matzoh. Which flies in the face of my earlier theory that my kids will only eat foods made out of leavened white flour. So hooray for small favors!

On the Easter side, we had Easter egg dying, Easter egg tie-dyeing, Easter egg hunting, and Easter egg smashing while Sage yelled, “Uh oh – egg fall down.”

Yes Sage, egg fall down because you hurled it to the ground with great, deliberate force, my little Nolan Ryan.

I call it: Rare Moment with Unbroken Egg

Also on the Easter side was a much rehearsed performance art interpretation of Little Bunny Foo Foo caught on camera, with my mother alternately acting out the Goon or Little Bunny Foo Foo, depending on which character Thalia wanted to take and how interested she was in wielding a wand. (I’d post the video if I hadn’t left my camera at my mom’s house. D’oh.)

But then, on the Passover side, there was a rousing atonal triple chorus of Dayenu complete with spilled juice, and a Two Minute Haggadah after which Thalia declared her favorite part was “the frogs.”

Final Score:

Eh, it’s a wash. So I guess we all win. That’s what’s awesome about Peaster.