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Bad parenting report, week 189

Last night Sage woke up crying which she does every so often. I went in to check on her figuring she just needed a diaper change or some rocking.


I had put her to sleep with a shoe in her footsie pajamas.

A shoe.

In her pajamas.

It was right around her butt in the back, so yeah, I guess she was a little uncomfortable sleeping ON A SHOE.

The culprit. You can just tell it’s up to no good.

Let’s say I’m overwhelmed with life a bit these days. There are times I am parenting half asleep, like I’m going through the motions but my head is not entirely in the game. All the business of parenting – the birthday party coordination, the school obligations, the wardrobe refreshing, pediatrician visits, the tuition payments (gak), the childcare – all conspire to take up brain cells that could be spent on actual parenting. Not to mention the business of blogging, the business of running a household, the business of business…

A shoe.

In her pajamas.

That’s okay, two nights ago I left the oven on. Again.