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Entirely random thought of the day

Oh lordy I am so remiss in posting these days. I’ve got letters to write to my congresspeople, Real Housewives of LA episodes to catch up with (OMG GRETCHEN), interviews to give to the man on the TV about the CPSIA (How cute is Sage on TV? Answer: Very.), a quick LA trip tomorrow, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it.

I’m swamped.

So I’ll just leave you with a random thought of the day.

That Subway jingle that goes 5 dollar foot-long? Totally bothers me. I just feel like, when I think of sandwiches, I really don’t want to think about feet.

Okay, in return give me your totally random thought of the day. The more random the better. Don’t even pretend it has anything to do with anything at all.