Category Archives: Uncategorized

The things we do for the people we love

Watch this 600 times in a row. Because apparently if you’re three, it’s the single funniest thing in the world. FUNNIEST. EVER! THERE IS NO EQUAL. Watch it with your own children and share in my misery.

2. Say snarky things about our friends who are going through a tough time in their lives. Well, not really snarky. More like…funny snarky? Click over to Cynical Dad to check out part 1 of the blogger roast for Tanis, the Redneck Mommy. Because if any blogger merits a roast, it’s a mother willing to suck Redi-Whip right out of the can on her blog like some adolescent My Space whore.

And Tanis? I’m sorry I called you an 82 year-old Jewish man from Boca. I meant to call you an adolescent My Space whore.