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Well, there’s one way to get more people to vote.

“Mommy, can you put on a Thalia show?”

“No sweetie, this is the news. They’re talking about the election. Remember how I told you that we’re going into a voting booth together soon and we’re going to vote for Obama?”

“What’s a voting booth?”

“Well you’ve been in one with me every year. It’s like a little room with a curtain that we pull close, and then you pull a big red lever and push some buttons to let people know who we want to be the president.”

“And maybe it’s a helicopter! Maybe the you push the buttons and it goes UP! Up, mommy! Up in the sky, like the helicopter at Playland! And then it comes down and we can get some cotton candy. Can we go there now mommy? Can we?”

“Maybe in 2012.”