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Mo babies, mo babies, mo babies

In case you’ve been under a rock for the last eight months or so, you might know that Rebecca of Girls Gone Child is having a second baby and Kristen of Motherhood Uncensored is having a third baby, bless her heart. They happen to be two of the most amazing writers, fabulous friends, and all around cool chicks that you could ever hope to have in your life.

So I looked it up and turns out that Emily Post says that throwing a second shower is “perfectly fine.”


Q. Is it proper etiquette for an expectant mother to host a baby shower for her 2nd baby?

A. While it is never appropriate for someone to host a shower (baby or bridal) for themselves, it is perfectly fine to throw a baby shower for a mother’s second or third baby.

I like perfectly fine. Do you like perfectly fine? Yes? Well in that case, we–we being me and Julie and Catherine and Katie–invite you to join in the fun.

Just write a post on your own blog reminiscing about those new baby days (something happy and as uncynical as you can possibly muster so we don’t freak Kristen and Bec out completely) sometime between now and Sunday, check out the rules here, and you’ll be entered to win one of five killer gift baskets including stuff like $100 Amazon gift certificates from beau-coup favors and gifts, and gift cards to the Silly Wagon where honestly, I need like a 6 million dollar gift card.

Because what is a shower without gift bags?

And alcohol.

Okay, no alcohol. We would get into legal issues with the shipping.

(Okay, fine I’ll send you alcohol.)

(Don’t tell anyone.)

Now the one thing that Emily Post does say is that second showers are perfectly fine as long as the guest list is limited to close relatives and very close friends and/or guests.

So we will just pretend that you are all my close relatives. In fact I may hit you up for money oh, say when Thalia’s ready for college.

Happy reminiscing.

(PS Amalah is having a baby too and therefore all Amalah-loving people, me included, should feel free to shower her in person if you’re in the DC area.)