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Today I am forty.

Yesterday I was not.

I think that’s kind of cool.

It’s not nearly as tough as I thought it would have been a year ago, when I turned 39. Actually, I’m kind of excited to finally have an excuse when I say that the VMAs are completely over my head. When I was 26 I sounded like a loser. Now I just appear age-appropriate.

No doubt I’ll have some more thoughts on forty soon, but not today. Today I’m going to draw some runes, try and sneak in a massage, refuse to watch TV, get all pretty, have dinner with some of my favorite friends in the world, drink me some fancy Prosecco, and troll for compliments.

I’m hoping for at least 10 sincere “WHAT? NO WAY THAT YOU’RE FORTY!”s before midnight. That would be even better than a pony.