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I am the It Mom, goo goo g’joob

The emails and very kind comments are starting to trickle in, so I suppose it’s a good time to mention that Parents Magazine, my favorite doctor’s office read, has named me their “It Mom” of June.

Which became July. Then August. And now September. I am just that important.


Anyhow, welcome to new readers. And to old readers, thanks in advance for not thinking I’m all famous and douchey now. I’m the same Mom101 who documented the bathroom hours I logged at work while pregnant, compared my oldest aughter to Jeri Blank, and cops to having Andy Gibb on my iTunes. In pretty good rotation. Only now I have professional photos of me with my kids too.

Thanks so much Parents, and especially editrix extraordinaire Judy Goldberg – for without you, my photo wouldn’t be in the hands of thousands of women across the country lying naked from the waist down with their feet up in stirrups.