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Random Bits of Randomy Randomness

I give up! I give up! There are too many things I need to mention so I’m doing them all at once and clearing my inbox in the process.

Cool Mom Picks Back to School Guide

*The Cool Mom Picks 2008 Back to Shopping Guide is here! I use the explanation point because now, I can finally get more than like 4 hours of sleep a night and stop debating about whether to recommend the backpack with the flowers or the one with the stripes. That deserves a !, right? So click over, shop, enjoy. Also? You could win a $735 prize pack just by posting the button on your blog. Details on the back to school guide.

*With everyone feeling the pinch these days, you can actually help a mama out by pledging to click through to full posts from your feed reader this month which increases a blogger’s page views – and ad revenue. If you write about it, like I am (see, I’m not stupid) you could win a ton o’ cool stuff – click on the cute piggie for more info, or just send the post to Kristen at

*I am now officially a contributing editor to BlogHer beauty hacks. Which means that I can buy $300 worth of sparkly purple makeup at YSL and write it off. (I think.) Check out my first post and find out how Hollywood divas manage to keep their clothes on. Well, some of them. Oh and that guy? The best make up artist ev-ah. You can find him at Bendel’s, and he might even make you look great in sparkly purple makeup too. Also he will tell you you look 27 which, really, is all that matters.

*Lisa of Midwestern Mommy does not have cancer. Which is in all likelihood the very best news of the week.

*Michelle Lamar, aka White Trash Mom, who is totally nice and funny and sent me a really cool shirt with a trailer on it that I didn’t get to actually wear when I was in a trailer, has come out with a fantastic new book called The White Trash Mom Handbook. Also, oddly, there is a photo of me on her Amazon page which I am just now noticing. But that is not why you should buy the book. You should because every time a blogger sells a book, an angel gets his wings. You don’t want any dead, wingless angels to have to step over in the driveway when you come home at the end of the day, now, do you.

*Don’t believe I was in a trailer? A few highlights from Mobile Home #8:

Trailer Children – they’re just like regular children!

Lexi and I nabbed an internet signal from the one place that had one: The hallway to the rec center locker room. Mmm…smells like feet.

The family that took the mobile home next to ours: The Partridge Family. 8 kids if you believe the sticker on the rear window. And CHRISTIAN if you believe the tag on the license plate that’s printedin big, bold letters, so that it’s easier for God to read it all the way up in heaven.

*I have to mention again that the Back to School Guide is live on Cool Mom Picks. Because we all know that you will only remember the last thing I write about here. It’s the Lime Popsicle Theory(tm).