Category Archives: Uncategorized

From San Francisco to Wonderland to the Land of Jesse Helms. Quite the Week I’m Having.

Between BlogHer, and overanalyzing BlogHer, and reading pretty much every single post about BlogHer, and then fighting the man and frantically cleaning my apartment for a news crew which never showed up–I entirely forgot to mention Wonderland.

Wonderland is a magical place where I sometimes go to discuss things like celebrity divorce. But with big words. So it’s not like you’re on some People magazine forum that you’d have to hide from your boss at work. If you have any interest in popping over and joining what’s shaping up to be an interesting conversation I’d be ever so obliged.

And now I must pack for a little family trip down South that Nate refers to as the White Trash Family Reunion. It’s not, of course. Living with a comedian puts you in a constant state of dodging hyperbole. But just in case, Michelle Lamar gave me a few survival tips.

Also, I think I’ll bring my trucker hat.

“Powerful Blogger Lady” hat by Momocrats. Photo by Glennia. Lack of inhibition in front of a camera lens by (oops) Chardonnay