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…so I have to say I love you in a haiku

Pierre got the drinks.
And boy howdy were there drinks.
Advil, start working.

Thanks to our generous host Pierre, along with Doug, Isabel, Tony and even Nate who deigned to join “the geeks,” to give me a night on the town that I totally desperately needed. The cocktails were appropriately gay and pink (as Brian predicted, although he blew us off last minute. Stupid new baby.) the conversation was glittering if a bit slurry, and while my memory is a little hazy towards about midnight, I did find this in my inbox this morning from Doug.

Best guess as to why they’re clapping gets a gay pink cocktail on me at BlogHer. Because I have no clue.

Also, I forgot how nice it is to pee in the open air. Except for the whole pee on your legs aspect of the matter. Otherwise? Pretty nice.