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My Daughter the Democrat

Oh how could I.

How could I even forget to mention the most awesomely awesome thing that just happened?

Right. I’m so sleep deprived now that Thalia is back to sleeping in my bed only when I am in it with her and am willing fall asleep with her (after an hour or two) while holding her hand and reading her eighteen stories and convincing her that the dark is not scary and clocks are friendly.


When I first was pregnant with my little non-sleeping angel, someone turned me onto Brain, Child magazine. I flipped through the pages thinking yes! Yes! YES! Oh YES to something smart and wonderful and well-written for parents out there that has nothing to do with top ten lists or exercise tips or recipes that include the term Jell-o Brand Gelatin or Crock Pot, sometimes together. This is before I discovered blogs, of course.

Mostly your blog. Yes, you. Yours rocks. Have I told you that lately? I know I haven’t commented. It’s not personal; I’m really really tired. Did I mention Thalia’s not sleeping?


One day, I thought, one day if maybe I work really hard on it and stop overthinking every freaking word and forget for a moment that I’d been turned down twice by McSweeney’s and don’t chicken out at the last minute, maybe I could pitch the editors something they might deem worthy.

This month, I have my first piece in Brain, Child – it’s one side in a debate as to whether you should raise your child with your own political values.

Can you guess which side I took? I mean, I do contribute to MOMocrats.

Click over to read or better yet, get yerself a whole subscription, woman! It’s totally worth it. (Coincidentally, the first piece in the issue is an editorial about J&J Camp Babygate which mentions Mother Goosemouse, Her Bad Mother, Citymama, and Susan Getgood among other fine blogging mamas.)

The other POV in the debate, from a writer named Lora Shinn, is wonderfully thoughtful. I’d love to know what you all think after reading both sides…

[illustration via brain, child]