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Brooklyn Hipster Parents: Myth Dispelled

I know some of you think I’m some sort of wild hipster parent because I have a Brooklyn address but I assure you it’s not true. Sure, Finslippy used to live here and she’s cool. And Dooce held her book-signing party here and she’s cool. And the Sleep is For the Weak book signing party is going to be at the Tea Lounge in Park Slope on September 12. (Shameless plug! Shameless plug!) But those are other parts of Brooklyn.

Brooklyn is a big place.

In my part of the borough, Brooklyn Heights, Nate is like the lone tattooed dad, and probably the only one that ever lived on Avenue C with four roommates and a couch that smelled like the homeless guy they swiped it out from under. This is not exactly where the struggling writers and bloggers and comedians and table-waiters come to spawn. It’s more like where the Wall Street guys settle when they want a short commute and a few trees for the kids.

Which is why it still totally cracks me up that we live here.

If you want to know more about where I live, or the rest of NYC for that matter, Mommy Poppins, which is the most awesomely unpretentious blog about New York for families, just put together a really great New York City neighborhood guide written by all different bloggers.

Click over and you can read my essay on Brooklyn Heights, see a cute picture of Nate and Thalia, and learn about pathetic second-rate celebrity sightings here.

Here in hipster Brooklyn.