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The Dark Circles Under the Eyes? Try and Contain Your Jealousy

Just when we finally got Sage sleeping through the night (all praise the great God Weissbluth) Thalia is right back to not sleeping through the night. At least in any sort of way that would allow the rest of us some sleep too.

It wouldn’t be so bad that she ends up in our bed every night – or starts there, goes back to her bed, then toddles back at midnight or so – if she wasn’t so inclined to sleep on the diagonal.

When I try to get her into her own bed at night, I’m presented with excuses from “I don’t like the clock on the wall” to “I don’t like my bed.” And then last night: “My animals are not friendly anymore.”

Maybe because she kicks them in the head all night too.

I offered to move the animals out of her room. “But, but…” she stammered, blindsided by the suggestion, “I don’t like my bed. I need to sleep in your bed.”

And so she does. With visions of Nanny 911 dancing my head.


Sleep-deprived and posting at 5:57 AM