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Daddy Has Legs! Daddy Has Legs!

This morning Thalia drew a picture of Daddy. Daddy holding a whistle. What’s particularly impressive about it (no, not the whistle) are the limbs- she’s never drawn them before.

“What made you give daddy legs in the picture?”

“So he could play.”

“What can you do with legs? What kind of playing?”


“Yes! And what else?’


“What else?”


“Yes, jump! And what else?”

“Twirl around.”

Which I’m sure daddy does often when the rest of us aren’t looking.

Soon she’s going to be drawing pictures of families that look like we do – a mommy and a daddy and two girls. Maybe twirling. But of course, that’s not how all families look.

I just wrote a post over at Wonderland on AlphaMom asking how we describe families to our children when the old definitions become outmoded.

I know a whole lot of readers here have their own cool kinds of families and probably have strong opinions about such things. (Hally. Joanne. Amy. T.) I’d be obliged if you headed over and joined the discussion.