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Showering the People I Love With Love, and James Taylor Lyrics

I just finally got my clothes unpacked from San Francisco (seriously, I’m the world’s laziest unpacker) and now I’m back on the road again. The Sunshine State is so far living up to its moniker, and hopefully the weather holds for tonight’s revelry in honor of my grandmother’s 90th birthday.


I come from strong stock. Don’t count me out just yet.

Though the internet suckage at the hotel is widespread, I wanted to take four minutes to ask you all to hit the Two’s A Charm Baby Shower and wish a hearty WHOO to three pregnant blogmamas extraordinare and offer up some assvice for second-time mamas, even win a few rockin’ door prizes courtesy Cool Mom Picks. (Seriously, the prizes are great.)

I feel hardly equipped to give great advice, as I’m still finding my way through this mom of two world. So I’ll pass on the best advice I got at my own virtual shower from Citymama last year: If the first one needs your attention, give it to her. The baby will never remember if you ignore him or her. Sure enough, it’s true. Although I will add that eventually that baby grows up and you can’t just leave her lying in a bassinet when she’s 8.

And I will give my own helpful L&D tip: Do NOT for any reason forget to pack yourself a couple of peanut butter sandwiches before you head out. Those sandwiches, eaten moments after the birth of each of my girls, were seriously the best of my life.


One more thing before I head down to the swimming pool which Thalia has been begging for for 18 hours straight: Do not miss Thank a Stranger, a brilliant new blog that counterbalances all the whining, complaining, sniping, and snarking on the internet.

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