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Sorry Sheena, Now Thalia is a Punk Rocker

Be warned, unsuspecting parents of America, for it takes very little influence from unsavory sources, until an ordinary, happy-go-lucky, Froot Loops loving toddler to start her downward spiral…

towards a dead-end life of hardcore Punk.

Okay so maybe the unsavory influence were the terrific kids band, The Jimmies, who were shooting a new video for their track, Bedhead. (There’s lead singer Ashley in the background above, with…yep, bedhead.)

Remember, it takes three hands and a pint of Manic Panic to get those mohawk spikes to the appropriately threat level – lest you have forgotten the 80s in a haze of pot smoke, inhaled mimeograph chemicals, and minor hearing damage from repetitive playing of the Dead Kennedys tape stuck in your Walkman.

Thalia’s so rock star she insisted on only the green Froot Loops in her dressing room.

Yeah, she had like 17 holes in her right ear they closed up. Duct tape did the trick.

She didn’t have any spoken lines. But if she did, I would have picked, Let’s get sushi and not pay.

Thalia and Ashley prepare to rock the green screen while the fledgling stage mother holds herself back from begging for just one more take “so she can really get it right.”

Thalia earns her first ever dollar, hoping to save up for that limited edition Black Flag EP she’s had her heart set on. That, or Elmo Sings the Pistols.

The transformation is complete as Thalia tries to convert Mommy to her band of rowdy no-goodnik hooligans.

Wardrobe credits go to Fadiddle for the rockin’ tee, Little Ruler for the baby Vans, and above all, Jenn from Babesta, the most rock ‘n roll little kids emporium in NYC if not in the whole wide world. She totally hooked us up with some flamin’ Baby Legs to use as arm bands, and ripped the red tartan skirt right off her own daughter’s body and handed it to us.

Don’t worry Jenn, only a couple people at the wrap party partied so hard that they puked on it.

The week of shameless Mom-101 family media whoring continues this week with my Montel Show taping airing Tuesday (10AM in NY) that I am somewhat hoping you forget to watch. Plus there’s one other very exciting opportunity at the end of the week that you’ll just have to wait to hear about.

No, it’s not Rock of Love III. I wish.