Category Archives: Uncategorized

Something Old, Something New, Something a Little Disturbing

I’m amazed and honored at the great discussion my recent political post generated. It’s so nice to see a group, even with diverse opinions about candidates and priorities – including those who posted anonymously – all be able to discuss this stuff so civilly and thoughtfully.

(Okay, so there were a few anonymous exceptions that I had to delete. It’s so awesome when people say the most offensive things about women, minorities, liberals, diverse families, and then go wait a minute, why did you delete me? What did I say? Ignorance isn’t bliss. It sucks. And I’m not going to allow it here.)

It’s not easy to be level-headed when we all take this so personally. As we should. And so the fact that this awesome little exchange took place right here, under this stupid little off-center masthead of mine, well that’s just cool.

This is why I’m especially honored that Liz Thompson, aka The Hardest Working Blogger in Blogdom, saw fit to take a break from her 87 writing assignments and family of like, 72, and honor the post with a Perfect Post award.

Click over to Petroville and Suburban Turmoil for other winning posts that are definitely more worthy of your time than most of what’s on TV this weekend.


Congrats Julie, my dear friend, and now mama of three. Feel free to hit her blog and wish her a big “whoo!” on the birth of Oliver Sebastian and the end of cankles forever. No, this time for real. No really. Seriously. This is the last one.


Overheard from Thalia to Nate this afternoon: That’s not a booger. That’s mommy.

I suppose it’s good she knows the difference?