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And That’s Where Babies Come From.

We may not be the best parents, but I swear we’re not keeping Thalia up late to watch Saturday Night Live Either. And yet, the ghost of Chris Farley lives within her.

Mommy…remember when we went to the park?

I do, Thalia.

That was fun! And mommy…remember when I did a somersault and you said, do a somersault Thalia, and I did it all by myself?

Yes Thalia, I do remember that. What about it?

That was so fun!

I’m not entirely sure why everything now starts with “remember when…” We did not get a Babycenter weekly email describing the “Remember when…” stage and frankly, I’m considering asking for a refund. But as she turns 2.5 tomorrow (wow!), this is indeed the stage she is in.

Mostly the events are small: Remember the time I woke up and I was crying? Remember when we had a pajama party and made popcorn? Remember the movie about the Rat who made the soup?

But this week’s remembrance took the cake:

Mommy, do you remember when I was in your belly?

I do, Thalia. I remember very well when I was pregnant with you.

And do you remember then how I was in your belly and wanted to come out? So I yelled, help! Help! And then you took me out, and then I was in an egg and I came out of the shell and I didn’t yell help help anymore and then I was in the hospital and then you held me in your arms?

Actually, Thalia, that’s not totally the way I remember it. But you know, I was pretty tired. It’s entirely possible.