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Christmas: The Photographic Highlights. (Also Video if I can Get it to Work)

12/24 5:45 pm
Thalia’s first fancy restaurant. She behaves beautifully.
Maybe because we keep her drunk.

7:12 pm
Chocolate ice cream for dinner, cotton candy for dessert.
I’m pretty sure that’s what the early disciples had in
mind with this Christmas business.

Sage is right at home on the Barcelona chair. Our little retro baby.

The very first glimpse of the Rock Center Tree. Yes, that tree.

Eat it, naysayers: NYC tourism rocks it during the holidays

The kids are in bed and time for the annual giftwrapping fight.
Nate’s theme this year: “Crap Wrap.” I was better off the year he hid
porn photos under little lift-up flaps on every box.
No, I’m not kidding.

12/25 8:05 am
Sage’s first taste of Christmas: Made in Europe and lead-free.

8:18 am
Opening gift #14 of 696.

Where are my eggs, woman!

The official winner of the Christmas gift competition: A pair of toddler scissors.

Runner up: Semi-inflated balloon left from the day before. Sigh.

Sage’s favorite gift: An afternoon with grandpa.

4 pm
Hot chocolate
4:05 pm
Wardrobe change
We are a classy, classy family and don’t you forget it.