Category Archives: Uncategorized

So Why is It Called Black Friday if it Puts My Credit Card in the Red?

And Then We Slaughtered All The Native People…

Aw, just kidding. I’m not so PC that we didn’t enjoy the most wonderful, non-commercial holiday of the year with friends, family, and Nate’s homemade stuffing with wild mushrooms, bacon lardons and chestnuts that, after the third serving, I’ve identified as the culprit that did me in for the night.

I’m far too full to get my butt out of the house to go shopping with the rest of the crazy people today. Am I alone here?

If you’re like me, consider doing it all online. Cool Mom Picks just came out with our second annual Holiday Shopping Guide with so much cool stuff from smaller businesses and independent designers, I have no idea where we found the time to track it all down.

Cool Mom Picks Holiday Guide

Help us spread the word about it and post one of the neato Holiday Guide buttons on your blog, and we’ll automatically enter you in a drawing to win a $250 gift certificate to Zutano. Whoo! Free clothes for the kids. Good ones, too! Just email and send us your url.

And if it’s toys on your brain, in this, The Year of the Recall, you’ll also find awesome suggestions in the Cool Mom Picks Safer Toy Guide.

Bonus: None of them take batteries. Which make them very welcome gifts for parents too.

So what was the dish that did you in last night? And no fair saying turkey.