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Sage turned Half this week.

Today she is Half plus three days.

I think the tough legacy of the second child is that when mom sits down to write you a beautiful Half post, what you get instead is one for Half plus three days. What you get is the remnant writing time, the moments not previously committed to work and family and real people time and once in a while, a few consecutive minutes of sleep.

I hope that in these six months I’ve made up for the time drain in other ways. I hope I’m learning to let Sage be her own person. I hope I’ve spent enough time memorizing her smile, absorbing her expressions, tickling her and then laughing at the ensuing patented Sage Alexandra Wiggle Dance.

I hope that I have enough photos of her to make up for the fact that we have no baby book to put them in. I hope that I have enough images of her in my head to make up for the fact that I don’t always have enough photos.

I hope I’ve remembered to give her a turn on the swing too. I hope that we’ve hid enough of her newborn gifts to make up for a two year-old sister that claims them all as hers.

And I hope that my beautiful Princess Sagebrush continues to be the sweet, smiley, stubborn girl that she is now. At Half.

Half and three days.

The half birthday suit