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A Mighty Wean: The Sequel

Hi Liz,

I’m one of the three moms who runs Adiri, makers of the Adiri Natural Nurser and the Breastbottle. I read your blog tonight and loved it and saw that you are considering these bottles. As a fellow blogger (I write for SV Moms Blog and have my own as well) I’d love to send you a sample of our new Adiri Natural Nurser if you’d like to try it…The new one is, as you mentioned, BPA and phthalate free, simpler to use, and it looks a hell of a lot cooler. If you would like a sample please let me know where to send it!


Now THAT’S how you do it, PR people.

I received this email about 3 weeks ago and it changed my life, sweartagahd. This product is the single most awesomest bit of awesome-y awesomeness that ever did enter my household. (And considering we have a big-ass TV and Guitar Hero: 80s Edition, that’s saying something.)

Sage is eating. She is eating from a bottle. Hallelujah! Right in time for the insane travel schedule to begin again, too.

And so with a wee bit of melancholy and a whole lot of expectation for more sleep in my future, A Mighty Wean: The Sequel begins.

Breastfeeding to me has never been my cause (although it’s a good one). It’s not an “issue” for me. It was just how I fed my babies. And now it’s time for me to move on.

The entire nursing business been bittersweet. There are moments I love it and moments I curse its wretched, nipple-torturing name. There were times I held Sage to my breasts and stroked her cheeks as she ate and grew teary at the experience. There were times I looked in the mirror at these minivan-sized milk bags and grew teary at the experience.

I’ve dealt with engorgement and plugged ducts and oversupply and the pain of pumping (Argh! Pumping!), and yet I know I’ve had it easy compared to so many.

(Humble bow to the lactivists here; not trying to be discouraging but I have to speak my truth.)

It’s a strange thing, this knowing that Sage is baby # last. It often makes me hyper-aware of the firsts that are lasts–of the fact that I won’t again say, “Look, she rolled over for the first time!” Or “Nate get in here, she’s sitting up!” But sometimes it’s just the opposite. I’m so busy just trying to keep up with the juggle, I don’t have time to reflect on the lasts at all–like 36 hours ago, when I last pulled Sage up to Old Reliable Righty, just for a moment, just for a little relief.

That was the end.

It came without fanfare or celebration or reflection or really too much thought at all. Mostly, I was thinking that I wanted a toasted bialy with some muenster cheese on it.

So now I take this time to say goodbye to the biological function of the boobs, to thank you with the utmost gratitude. You’ve served two kids very well and the nursing bra industry hasn’t complained either.

I can’t entirely say I’ll miss you though. Maybe a little. But not a lot. That’s the truth.

Nothing personal.