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Week in Review

This was one of those weeks. One of those weeks where there was too much to say and no time to say it. So, for your reading pleasure (which may be an optimistic assessment) I present a Metro Dad style week in review, or at least the highlights.

Monday: It was hot. I don’t remember what I did but I think I was sweaty when I did it. Also I forgot to call my sister-in-law for her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGGIE.

Tuesday: I realized I was a pussy of the highest order as I sent Nate to take Thalia to her follow-up visit with the Doctors With Attitude. I know! I know! I’m going to switch practices. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet – Much to the chagrin of the Time Out/Kids reader who read my column about this, and felt compelled to write me pretty much the snottiest email I ever received, disguised as advice:

The piece about taking your daughter to see Dr. S at DWA was pretty cute, but I really must ask: has it never, ever occurred to you that maybe your child’s pediatricians are just not very good…[my doctor is the best blahblahblah thisiswhypeoplehateNewYorkers blahblah my doctor blah blah]… Give him a try. Unless, of course, you prefer to stick with the crummy docs because they can be counted on to provide material for a column every now and then.

Man, I hate people who basically make you feel like shit, proceed to tell you how much more awesome they are than you, and then pat themselves on the back for it.

(And yes, I googled her. And she has bad hair. Which made me feel a lot better.)

But I digress.

It would seem that Thalia, through a combination of Canadian bacon, chicken nuggets, and time has managed to gain two whole pounds in the last three months. Hoorah! So I didn’t get a wrist slap again, Nate got the good news, and Thalia isn’t wasting away into oblivion. Everyone wins.

Wednesday: Nate and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary of the night he invited himself over to watch Friends and left two days later. Grandpa babysat and we ate and drank ourselves right back in love again. A glass of wine, a glass of champagne, another bottle of wine and then a big glass of sherry will do that to a couple.

It was also the three year anniversary of the day we conceived Thalia in Montreal. (You’ll have to tune into the Mominatrix podcast archives for that story.) Even if we get married, which I’m sure we’ll do at some point, it’s hard to imagine that that date could mean more than October 10.

Oh, and it was also the 26 year anniversary of my Bat Mitzvah, otherwise known as The Day I Wore Purple Satin Knickers in Public By Choice.

Thursday: Have you ever sat through a focus group evaluating some work you created? It’s kind of like this.

Actually, it’s exactly like this.
(And if you don’t know the reference, this storyboard recreates arguably the most successful commercial in the history of advertising.)

Friday: Hey that’s today. Happy Friday everyone.

Oh and did I mention I’m on TV with Kristen? It’s true! And it’s not even Meredith Vierra attacking us for drinking beer around our kids or whatever.